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Driving in a foreign country?

Posted: Mon Mar 04, 2019 10:30 pm
by JayCat
As of June, I'll have been a qualified driver for 3 years. I also drive a manual. When I first got my car (when I passed), I bumped it a lot but have never crashed. Should also clarify, my dyspraxia is mild rather than severe, but enough to mean it took me a while longer to learn spacing and road distances and things.

I am going to Italy in June, and I really want to drive there. However, I am UK based and have never driven on the left hand side of the road, and for three years have never driven another car.

Has anyone else had a similar situation? How did you cope? My parents are really against it considering my co-ordination problems, but I am super keen.

Any advice would be appreciated.

Re: Driving in a foreign country?

Posted: Mon Mar 04, 2019 11:03 pm
by Tom fod
I've heard that Italian drivers don't have a particularly great reputation. If you get a knock or scrape on your hire car it could impact and seriously bump up the cost of your trip. On the flip side you don't know if you don't try and you're the best person to judge your own capabilities to stay on correct side of road, familiarise yourself and abide with local regulations/customs! I'd strongly suggest in-depth research from as many sources as possible.

Here's a start:

Re: Driving in a foreign country?

Posted: Mon Apr 29, 2019 6:22 pm
by Jim
I would suggest perhaps a road trip to France first. And stay away from bigger towns and cities. This would at least give you a feel for the other side of the road so to speak and of the autoroutes.

It’s a bit, shall we say ‘compact’ in Italy and it can be quite manic.

Good luck.

Re: Driving in a foreign country?

Posted: Sat Jul 06, 2019 10:40 pm
by happy13
Hi, apologies as this is my first post, I normally just read and ponder. I am dyspraxic (moderate) and have other neurodiversity issues . I currently live near Italy , I would agree with the others, although I found driving in France very stressful and the motorways are long so if you miss a turning you have a very long way to go before you can turn off again. Italian driver are manic but not aggressive, they all drive like they are in a formula 1 race, so if you are slow they will overtake you but no road rage, all very calm. I drive a british car in Europe and I found because of my neurodiversity issues it works well for me, I always remember to stay on the right side too, but I only drive in small towns and I take my time, it normally freaks others out when they see european plates but with right hand drive. My advise I would give would be if you do drive in Europe choose a car with little or no blind spots as my car has a few and that can be problematic for me, I take the passenger head rest off so I can see better. In Italy you always drive with your lights on too, they use kmph not miles and traffic lights flash amber when limited traffic or night so you do not wait for the green light. Also traffic signals differ I just can't remember the sequence of UK lights. If you drive in the countryside in Italy best not to try overtake anyone/thing just take your time as each week there are news articles of car crashes and cars driving into tractors trying to overtake. I prefer driving in Italy and Germany than the UK and I had a few bumps in the UK mostly not judging distance well and parking. Oh lastly Italian countrysides do have steep ditches on both sides of the road, but if you drive slowly shouldn't be a problem. I have driven the same car now for 6 years and don't do very well in hire cars as it takes me a long time to figure out where everything is. Hope this has helped a bit and not too confusing, I can loose track. Gina

Re: Driving in a foreign country?

Posted: Tue Sep 21, 2021 1:28 pm
by ZiporaTilda
I would suggest driving in less busy roads and having someone by your side for help.

Re: Driving in a foreign country?

Posted: Thu Sep 23, 2021 9:40 pm
by Shadwell
personally I wouldn't suggest that you do, especially if it is your first time to the area, public transport for a couple of holidays or weeks would be a better idea. just until you know what other drivers are like on the roads, and also reading the road ahead. If you do drive I would reccomend it only during daylight hours especially in unformiliar places, like the motorways won't be quite as bad during the dark times, but if Euro Truck Simulator 2 (pc game I play) is anything to go by then could also be sharp'ish bends on the motorways as well. from what I remember of vlogs from truckers on youtube Italians can be mad for speed, but a lot less mind games unlike the UK. The Police will be less forgiving if caught doing something wrong so could be a financial hit on your wallet, or worse. so yeah my advice would be to go first for a couple of weeks, use public transport where possible, and get used to the area first before driving it.