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How should I feel?

Posted: Thu Sep 14, 2017 3:20 pm
by Lewiszog1
So I've been in a relationship for several months now and whenever I feel any emotions I'm not sure how to process them. This also happens in everyday situations not just with my relationship.

I've been in this relationship for nearly 8 months now and the one prior was 7 and the one prior to that 14. Yet every time I should feel happy or should be happy I seem to overreact or even fake my expressions as although I'm feeling it I can't process it.

This also happens when I feel anything, such as when I am meant to act surprised it takes me a moment to process how to act as opposed to it coming naturally. It's not that I'm not feeling these emotions it's that I feel I'm faking them every time I express myself.

I seem to process all emotional choices logically, yes I love my girlfriend, but why do I love her?, because of this this and this, oh yes, ah therefore I do love her.

Does anybody else understand what I mean? Is this just me? Is it part of life? Any help would be appreciated thanks. (If it helps I'm nearing 21 and have known about my dyspraxia for well over ten years)


Re: How should I feel?

Posted: Thu Sep 14, 2017 10:26 pm
by Tom fod
Hi Lewis and welcome

I think that we all have a tendency to compare ourselves to others and because we think differently that is not always a good thing as life and other people so often defy logic!

I think as guys we've traditionally been taught to avoid displaying emotion overtly yet the rules seem to be changing somewhat. in many ways we are who we are, individuals Presumably your girlfriend is content with you and considers that you're both on the same wavelength, yet I understand your concerns, as I suspect many here will.

Re: How should I feel?

Posted: Fri Sep 15, 2017 7:15 am
by Lewiszog1
Thanks :)

Re: How should I feel?

Posted: Thu Sep 28, 2017 8:12 am
by Jim
Don't stress yourself about finding reasons why you love someone. Be glad that you do. Love is not logical it's an emotional attachment. If your Girlfriend loves you then she will know that you love her.