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Other dyspraxic people seem to have a lot of friends

Posted: Tue Jan 17, 2017 1:22 am
by Worried
Of the 4 other people I know who have dyspraxia all of them are what I would call social lynch pins. C was the work wife of everyone. M had 200 people at his going away party. J is the most dyspraxicommon but still has lots of close solid friendships.

I guess that's why I notice it. All 4 of us have strong individual friendships. Obviously this is a small sample
Looking at the other dyspraxic people you know would you say that they are well liked?

Re: Other dyspraxic people seem to have a lot of friends

Posted: Tue Jan 17, 2017 11:09 pm
by Tom fod
I think it is probably true to say most people are well liked but problem is we don't always remember, accept or realise. Dyspraxic or non dyspraxic we are all individuals. Comparing oneself to others is rarely objective as we all have different personalities and outlooks. Have you asked these friends how they see themselves and their friendships? How they consider other people view them? Do they have similar fears/concerns?

Re: Other dyspraxic people seem to have a lot of friends

Posted: Mon Jul 03, 2017 8:24 pm
by R1ch8rD
Friends are an interesting one. (Quite literally lol)
I've always found a much closer connection to people who are a little bit different or maybe slightly flawed. Whether that's long term friends or someone I just get chatting too.
This is only something I've recently become aware of.