Could I have dyspraxia?

Getting assessed for your dyspraxia, getting help, disability allowance etc.

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Could I have dyspraxia?

Post by Sophiesophie »

Good Afternoon, I'd be so grateful for your advice :)

I believe I may have dyspraxia. I'm 28 and a primary school teacher. I've done a little reading and I do not have trouble with: organisation, handwriting, memory (unless it's about physical routines) clumsiness (I don't think!)...

But I have and have had the following issues:
- learning to drive- I still cannot drive and have had 150 lessons (some have been double!) though I had a break and am now learning in an auto
- I have literally just learned my left and right in the last couple of years but still struggle if something is opposite me
- I couldn't play hospkotch at school or any playground games
- my progress in was very poor in pe despite practice in one area
- learning to swim took forever and I can still only just about do one stroke... just!!!
- I remember having to ask the younger children in my class which shoe went on which foot
- I cant learn dance routines - no matter how long I spend on it, it just doesn't go in!
- I was aware of these difficulties as a child so avoided these games etc as much as I can.
- I can't really use a knife and fork very well and use the wrong hands for each!

What do you think? And if I may have it what do I do? In many ways I would be relieved as I've always blamed myself for my difficulties ...
Tom fod
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Re: Could I have dyspraxia?

Post by Tom fod »

Hi Sophie

While I'm not qualified to say Yes or No, you certainly exhibit some of the traits especially that of being very hard on yourself. We're all different so 'disorganised' is not necessarily a given. Some develop coping strategies and choose/try not to be defined by the notion of what someone with Dyspraxia can/can't do well. I can distinguish left and right but it is far from instinctive and I can generally do organised when I want/need to. Dancing and sports are beyond me though I will try to have a go, but if it starts to get competitive I'm out.

Speaking to your GP in the first instance is probably the way forwards, but do take some info and examples of how you're you're affected since not all GPs are very familiar or aware. A lot of the resource is focused on children and young people and it can be difficult to obtain an adult diagnosis. Many people have to resort to obtaining this privately, which is fine if you have the money and are willing to fork out. It's worth looking at the Dyspraxia Foundation's website and perhaps also speak to your SEN co-ordinator /staff welfare pocs.

Welcome to our community. (Formal diagnosis not required).

With a foot full of bullets I tried to run faster but I just hobbled on to the next disaster.
(from Peter and the Test Tube Babies, Foot Full of Bullets)
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