I don't know if this is just me but what I noticed is my memory is really good in between sleep. Say I wake up at 3am or I'm half asleep and thinking.
During the day I'll really struggle to remember peoples names. Furthermore ill struggle to get the words out to explain something. Everything feels fuzzy. Almost like I'm drunk.
During sleep ill think about things i couldn't remember during day and my mind is razor sharp. It really is a weird quirk. What I'm wondering is everybody like this or is it just me?
If all dyspraxia are like this then why does our brain work better at night? Is it chemicals released at night when we're sleeping? Is it different brainwaves at night? Always thought if we could discover a reason for this could we create a drug to help us?
We so often have a plentiful degree of anxiety. Anxiety plays hell with our ability to recall things on demand.
Equally we often have difficulty switching off our brains to go to sleep. Equally once we're in bed for the night we're a degree more relaxed as we're not having to think on our feet in responding to others'demands.
With a foot full of bullets I tried to run faster but I just hobbled on to the next disaster.
(from Peter and the Test Tube Babies, Foot Full of Bullets)
That’s not uncommon. Dyspraxia can mess with memory and focus during the day, but at night, when everything's calmer, your brain seems to work better. It’s probably stress and distractions that get in the way during the day. Would be nice if we could keep that sharpness all day!