Hi everyone,
I've just joined the forum and my assessor lady said I can follow recipes better if I play videos of the steps in following a recipe. You can also use text to speech to read out the steps when cooking too. I listen so much better than reading so it made it lot easier - still managed to drop an egg on the floor typical but at least I found it easier to listen rather than read. I can read but I'm dead slow. Go on get cooking.
Sometimes I wish we had a like option, but anyway.
Not actually ever thought of this. If I'm following a recipe I not always that good at paying all that much attention to the steps and for a lot of my cooking from scratch I cook stuff I'm familiar with so chilli con carne/pasta bolognese and throw stuff in in sort of the right order. Multi component meals like a roast dinner when you have potatoes the meat and veg all ready together are something of a chore/challenge.
With a foot full of bullets I tried to run faster but I just hobbled on to the next disaster.
(from Peter and the Test Tube Babies, Foot Full of Bullets)
I also find it easier to follow recipes when I can listen rather than read. Using videos or text-to-speech definitely helps me stay on track, especially when I'm multitasking in the kitchen.