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Posted: Sat May 13, 2017 11:04 am
by Bill S
Below a US government post on various meditation techniques with exert " The TM technique utilizes automatic self-transcending to allow the mind to settle to a state of quiescence (Alexander et al., 1987). This experience is associated with significantly increased EEG coherence and physiological rest (Travis et al., 2001). Alpha EEG coherence and synchrony, as seen during the TM technique, is associated with neural communication and integration which may be the neurophysiological basis of beneficial physiological and clinical effects of TM (Travis and Shear, 2010). TM produces higher alpha power in the frontal cortex and lower beta and gamma waves in the same frontal areas during practice, and creates greater alpha coherence between the left and right hemispheres of the brain."

While I am pleased to admit personal bias in favour of Transcendental Meditation (TM) as only one available to me as a 21 year old with troubled mind full of conflict as a result of growing up as dyspraxic in 1976, worked better than could have hoped and has non of adverse side effects reported on mindfulness (based on Buddhism) including works for males and don't already need to have settled mind before starting the pratice.